Chappy, Jeremy & Gaz

My Activity Tracking


My target 42 kms

I’m taking part in Tread as One to raise funds and awareness for R U OK?

Every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their lives – that gives me 65,000 reasons to Tread As One.

R U OK?'s vision is a world where we're all connected and protected from suicide. 

Their mission is to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect and lend support to the people in their world who may be struggling with life.

I believe in their mission and will be running as far as I can and raising as much money and awareness as possible for this cause that’s close to my heart.

I’d really appreciate your support – every donation helps.

Your donation will help inspire people to take the time to ask "are you OK?" and listen, which can help people struggling with life feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

Thank you for your support, together we will make a difference as we Tread As One.

#TreadAsOne #RUOK

My Achievements

Received 5 Donations

Updated Profile Pic

Shared My Page

Reached Fundraising Goal

50% to KM Target

First Donation

Logged First KM

Reached KM Goal

Halfway to $ target

Created Fundraising Page

My Updates

Day 16 & 17 One more sleep

Friday 11th Oct
After a night out at sea bobing around, it was good to catch up with the team today. I arrived a little latter and Jeremy and Gaz were already into it. We are now ready and the guys have done some great sessions over the past two weeks. Looking forward to a fund day and raising a little bit more money for R U OK. 

After training I was back on the water for work.  What a day, see pic' s below.

One more sleep to Tread As One. 👍👍👍

Day 15 Morning session with Sea time.

Wednesday 9th Oct
Jeremy, Gaz and i all got after it in another morning session. Tick.
Then I left to go to sea with my work family. Im lucky to work in such a great team full of Extraordinary people. See pics below.

Day 14 Quiet day

Tuesday 8th Oct
No major news today. Jeremy and I got after it in the morning.
Has anyone seen Gaz?

Day 13 Newfoundland Hawaiian style

Monday 7th Oct
Jeremy and I conducted a morning training session @ AF Viny. Gaz had to pop down south to catch up with some old mates and no doubt will be getting after it again tommorrow.
Jez and myself then retreated to the beach for a patrol....which mainly consisted of richard and I doing some water skills. Jez also hoped in for the odd token dip.  Overall it was a nice day, with calm conditions in the morning. 
We later had a guest appearance of a what we thought was a Shetland Pony walking down the beach. Which turn out to be a 95kg Newfoundland dog....thats alot of hound for your money. The owners said the hardest thing about looking after him, was sometimes they found black dots on the lounge room roof. Which was a mixture of drool and hair after he shook.🐕
I also got creative and played around using the rescue board with a paddle. Kinda Hawaiian canoe Style. It was very fast and all I needed was my Hawaiian shirt and a lei.....Might be onto something  here....🤔


Day 12 Windeeey and the Galz

Sunday 6th Oct
I think I have a blister on my blisters from excessive tread mill training in the afternoons. Might have to stick to the bike for the next few days... or it will be HOP AS ONE  for me on the 12th. 
Anyway, the team were fired up and Jeremy and Gaz were going at it like super hero's when i walked into AF. I arrived a little later after my extra 30min nanna nap and surf check.🏖 It was a great session with the pick of any machine as the gym was quite.... except for the usual hard core famiiar devotees. 
Anyway after the training session we all retreated to the beach to conduct a patrol. It was super windy at the beach. I think the Bureau of Meteorology classed it as "windy enough to blow dogs off chains" with customers only staying for shorts dips. 
On the flip side, it was still a beautiful day and lunch was provided by the Grazing Galz kiosk. Located at the Sussex Inlet Surf Club. 
We all very much appreciated having a delicious lunch delivered to us on the beach today.

The Grazing Galz

Thx Girls

Day 11 Adrift in time

Saturday 5th Oct
Sunday, 6 October 2024, 2:00 am clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, 6 October 2024, 3:00 am AEDT instead.

It was another beautiful day and Jez and Gaz got after it like champions....I on the other hand were adrift from training and went for a SUP at Husky. It was fantastic out there today at sunrise. Time flew by and it got me thinking about the perception of time. It's funny how time can speed up when we're experiencing positive emotions and doing something we love. Compared to being in a negative head space and doing a laborious task, it taaaakes foreveeeer!

I think it was that Einstein fellow who said something about matter curving spacetime🤔....I'm sure when he came up with that, he must of been thinking about perfect waves at Husky and the effect of mental health time perception.😖⌚🌖🌎🌚.

Anyway, talking of time....make sure you put your clocks forward.



Day 10 - Long Weekend, Yeh Baby!

Friday 4th Oct

The Beach boys completed another morning training session at AF Vincentia today. While our training is vital for the upcoming Tread As One, it also helps us stay in shape for the up coming Surf Patrol Season. The team will be patroling Sussex Inlet Beach 10am-2pm if you feel like poping down to visit for a swim this long weekend. 🏖🌔⛱
We are also always looking for buff or unbuff bodies to join Sussex Surf Club.
Google Sussex Inlet Surf Club or Sea Jeremy if interested.

Did you know...

Joining a club (and smuggling a budgie 🐦"kidding") can help in reconnecting with others and build strong lasting relationships. This can lead to a strong sense of community and belonging.
Which inturn, may also assist in the maintenance of good mental health......🤔

Bye for now

Chapinator 🤟

Day 9 Back on the horse Part 2

Thursday 3rd Oct
Happy Birthday Jimmy.🎂🎂🎂

Well another 86400 seconds complete. The team got after it in beast mode today. A picture is worth a thousand words. I have posted a few pic's of the session below.

As we get closer to Tread As One I have been thinking what strategies assist in maintaining good mental well-being.
Over the past 12 months I have been learning how to Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Surf.
And on reflection, I guess doing something new and learning how to ride that horse🐎 (board) maybe considered engaging in a new interest. It has kept my mind active....if not a little Possessed. (Apologies Jeremy for hijacking most  normal conversation and spinning them into the world of surfing according to chappy).
Some of the smaller paddle boards I have tried to horse whisper, bucked me off for days with little reward. But every once and while after a lot of fails. I have had tiny wins. Which has been totally exhilarating. 🏄‍♂️(If you can look up, you can get up...not just a surfing pun).

Sooooo....after a deep 🤔
What new hobble, skill or life long learning have you always wanted to take up?
Would it revitalise the juice of life?

Peace out


Day 8 Training update turns into food review.

Wednesday 2nd Oct
Well, what a day.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen convened at AF Viny for early morning session . Starting with a light 5min warm up banter, followed by 6-8 reps of spinning the breeze. Jez and Gaz were in good spirits and after the catch up I left the wolf pack to do Chesticles.  

On completion of training we all decided  to head out for lunch at the Bean 2 Sussex Cafe...which is secretly the best Vietnamese lunch spot on the south coast.
God d#m, that place is good. If you have not tried it, do so. Rice paper satay mint noddle prawn roles (that's what I call them), Vietnamese crispy pork role and there house signature dish Pho. (Vietnamese soup dish consisting of broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat). 
S#%t did I just turn this into a food blog. Anyway you get the picture, it's good tucker down there. Oh on a side note, it's also Oktoberfest at the Swordfish Brewery in Sussex, starting weekend of the 18th. Bust out the Lederhosens.....I hear Jeremy has a arse less pair if anyone is wanting to borrow. 
Anyway totaly side track, I was going to talk about some totaly up lifting, academy award winning stuff. 
But, stay tuned to this Chap Channel  tommorrow for that. 

10 Days to go...looking forward to seeing you at Tread As One

Gute Nacht 🥨🍺

Day 7 - Falling off the Horse - Part 1

Tuesday 1st Oct
😴Ohhh, I woke up to my alarm at 500am, slightly groggy.....not from the consumption of alcohol, but from 2 hrs of self inflicted, dopamine addictive you tube shorts. (...Before Bed) Swipe right if you have ever been guilty of this? And if your a morning person this is a guaranteed way to take alittle spring out of your step. 
Reminder to self.....Do not touch phone before bed....yada, yada, yada. I know we have heard that advice. Usualy without warning when I'm on the phone displine wagon, it whispers like Gollum from Lord of the rings. "chaaaapppy, facebook market place" 


Sleep:** Prioritize 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can negatively impact your mood and cognitive function. you think AI was dreaming when it came up with that.....?

Anyway shortly after my alarm, I got up and made my bed. Kicking arse on my first completed task of the day which set the rest of the day in motion, luckly with enough spring. 

Training is still on track for the Tread As One. Nice work Jez getting after it at lunch.


Day 6 Mondayitis

Monday 30th Sep

Well, as we move closer to the Tread As One day, momentum continues with strong donations coming in on the main website.
The day kicked off with the usual early morning training with some walkies tricep-a-tops and stretch down 🏋️‍♂️.  
Jez and Gaz were M.I.A. I have sent out a locator pigeon but fear the Monday work troll may have abducted them.
Anyway during walkie time today I pondered like usual. (People must think I'm on planet pluto as I stare off in the distance). In reality I'm trying to set my day up. Doing a breathing exercise, gratitude ritual and Goal visualisation. I also like to live the day in my mind as I want it to happen. (This does not always happen in reality, but about 70% of the wacky stuff I plan can usualy manifest from the inner world to the outer). "No I'm not Ayahuasca." 
After giving my mind a little workout doing this, I usually finsh with some mindfulness in the moment. Breathing 4 seconds in, hold 4 Seconds, out 4 Seconds, hold 4 Seconds. Repeat.
I usually find I can change the way I'm feeling by doing this. Ok, hopefully you don't think I'm an ET👽 after all that. 
Soo...for weight training I know you have to be there.......buuuuut next time your on the tread mill staring at a blank wall, what will you think about?

.......S*#t did I turn off the iron😅.

Over & out Chapdog✌


Day - 5 Sunday Gym & Beach

Sunday 29th Sep
"Sun's out Gun's out"....well, most of the time.

The day started as per usual with the the 0530 Session. Jeremy went after his usual routine with a little legs followed by finger condition training on instagram between sets. 
I did walkies, legs/stretch and massage gun....the shizer out of my tin man hips. Jez walk up stunned by the massage gun when i was stretching.......and dished out the normal banter. I then gave him the normal stick about different types of stretching and the amazing health benefits of more then once a year.
On reflection, I'm sure those massage guns are availbe to all Anytime Fitness Platinum Plus members. See Trudy in the office if you have not recieved yours yet.
The session finsh on a high and we reconvined later in the morning for surf club open day. 
The beach was good (intermittent sun, off shore waist height waves on the sets) and Jez, Dan, Gaz and I all end up getting a wave. 
Sitting out the back after a few waves, I thought to myself in the moment how lucky we are to live in such beautiful location with a great beach.
Mmm🤔, did I just experience daily gratitude?.....I could be onto something here.

Mmm🤔, what are you greatful for in this very moment? And how do you feel when you think about it. Food for thought. 

Peace out Homies🤘🤘🤘

Day 4 - Good Mates

Saturday 28th Sep
Well another big day for the Team!  Jeremy, Gaz and myself are all on the wagon.  At 530am I jumped off the tread mill like a a enthusiastic praymantis to ambush the lads walking in the door. "Let's do a photo"......the enthusiasm wasn't match at first with Jeremy giving me the BIRD🐤🖕. But within a moment the vibe became very light hearted as the bird turned into some bunny ears behind Gaz's head....see photo below....I still don't think Gaz Knows. It was a great way to start the session and the time flew by with a little light banter in between sets. 
The training session finished and we all decided to reconvene at the beach for a surf club Patrol/training day. (radio's and tube rescues). It drizzled rain for the first 20min but Jeremy soldier on giving radio instruction while my mind secretly was dreaming of the warm patrol tower up in the dunes. Then, like a scene from movie, the main guest for the day showed up. Queue Morgan Freeman voice over, "Sweet, sweet sun. Some times it's the small things that warm the heart". 
The rest of the patrol consisted of lunch, which is taken as serious as Master Chef. (Sussex Chicken AVO Aioli wraps, with ocean back drop.)
Dan show up after lunch with about 6000 children (a gaggle of his kids friends)  As he emerged from the Dunes I yelled " I didn't know Nippers was running today mate 🤭."
Practice tube rescues were conducted next. Thanks Dan for pulling me out of that gutter👍👍👍
A big shout out to Richard and Dave who also watch the beach during training.
After all that I was shagged (....Not literally🤨) and decided to have a short recovery nap. Shortly after 5pm I was woken by a phone call from the stair climbing master himself. "Jimmmmmy".
" Thai, Silver Spoon". "Sounds Good mate"
Thanks for taking me to dinner buddy, crispy pork was dee-lish. 
Jimmy will be on the stepper for R U OK day and you can find his fund raising page through the main members portal.

Till tomorrow, peace out Homies

Day 3

Friday 27th Sep
All right, it's 0838am and I have made it to gym....not exactly as planned but just finshed short notice night shift. I touched based with Jeremy 512am to say I'm going a tad later and to probe if they were on there way. I got the usual banter.  saying "Geez - any excuse to get out of the gym 🏋️‍♂️" . 🤣
Which reminds me that R U OK Day is not just a day in the calendar; it’s a powerful reminder to check in on our friends, family, and colleagues. 

Check out the Gaz man below, looking buff.

Day 2 and Gareth has joined the Team

Thursday 26th Sep
Training for this challenge has officially begun. Gareth has joined the team! We’re building our endurance and preparing our bodies for a long day of walking. Jeremy and Gareth pumped iron at 530am to build endurance strength training. Then the team met for lunch at Sword Fish for R U OK day team strategy meeting....which mainly consisted of 4 guys spinning s#&%.....and later a SOS to find Jeremy's Pizza. (Thx Sussex Dave for popping in as well). 
 We can’t wait to share our progress and keep you updated as we push through the training....we are also taking suggestions for a team name.


Wednesday 25th Sep
Hello Friends and Supporters,

Today marks Day One of our exciting fundraising journey for R U OK? Day, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Jeremy Murdoch and I will be tackling an ambitious 12-hour walking challenge at Anytime Fitness Vincentia. Our goal? To raise awareness and funds for mental health initiatives that promote open conversations and support for those in need.🦖🦖🦖

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ben Chapman


Icore Engineering

Great cause Guys! Good job on raising awareness👍🏼


Peter & Robin Chapman

Well done …such a worthy cause


Sid Davies


Michael Mcmenamin

You guys are doing a great thing ❤️


Brendan Cook

Good on you Chappy.


Dean Pickering


Tracey Davis And Jimmy

Good luck boy


James Shewan


Paula Trass

Gooooo boys….great work